2010年8月29日 星期日

*splitting my emotion into two

A lazy Sunday afternoon, came to office and work for a friend's wedding card project..
Before started working on the project, spend a little time browsing fb....
found out that my recent crush has just started a relationship.....
with someone else....... ~_~!!


I guess Nicole was right...
all the coincidence that I found I had with him were just not real...
I was living in my own little bubble~~~ holding on to those coincidences, and thinking... yah.. we had so much in common...
Well, today, the bubble were stabbed open...

This little heart broken drawing is just something for me to remember how I feel at this moment!!

With that said...
I need to get back to Nicole's wedding card project!!

I am amazed by how I can switch my emotion from one end to another...
What needs to be done has to be done...


*a little side note: I was listening to The Radio Dept while writing.
Their sad little tone of music is just how I feel right now...
 I think I need a smoke after I'm done working....... :'(
